Patricia Reider – English 110

Purpose: All writing has a purpose, we write to express our thoughts and emotions, to express ourselves and to entertain.

Writing with purpose has always been a point of anxiety for me. I have always been of the mind “who would want to read my thoughts or opinion?” I have overcome that in this class but it still eludes me when it comes to writing papers of the expository or argumentative essay in other subject areas, that is, in other classes.

I’m sure I can apply what I have learned in this course to future courses. That is, after all, the purpose of this class. One course at a time, one paper at a time… I will allow myself the experience to use what I have learned here to bolster my resolve and present myself, wherever I feel a purpose to write, and apply the lessons learned here. I doubt I will conquer every challenge, but, courage can only come by effort and allowing oneself to be vulnerable.

In my literary narrative, I found myself hesitant to express personal details. After several drafts, I found that I was more at ease with my expressing myself. That served me well in subsequent assignments.

I was very frustrated that I was unable to communicate with anyone or understand what was going on in the classroom.” This revelation was embarrasing to me but in the writing and re-writing I found that I felt stronger in purpose and wanted to share this experience. It was in the writing that I realized that my frustrations are surely not unique to me. And sharing that with an audience might reach someone with similar experience.

In the future, I would like to be able to just sit and write with strength of purpose.