Patricia Reider – English 110

CLO#3: Recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations.

I must admit, I never really got how to work in the rhetorical terms into my writing. Sometimes it just made no sense at all to throw in a rhetorical term just for the sake of having that covered.

It made perfect sense in the reflection pages, that is after all that those pages are meant for, but my confusion was how does one incorporate these terms in the body of the essay. I think that I might be misunderstanding not the function but the execution of this CLO. In writing this it is almost clear that I have been mis-reading the topic and perhaps not recognizing that I had only to keep the terms in mind and not use the terms directly.

Well, this is embarrassing.

In the expository essay, I did do a lot of reading and research along with my usual ouline and revision of drafts. At one point I think I am directing my focus at my audience. I think that this excerpt would show that I had been keeping my audience (a key rhetorical term) in mind while writing:

“This is where the individual can make the choice in what they consume.  At the same time, what about those who can’t afford to make healthier choices?  If GMOs are bad, the poor are left to pay the price.”

Perhaps it is impossible NOT to have these things in mind when building a strong thesis and support paragraphs. Again, time and practise will strengthen understading.