Patricia Reider – English 110

Media: The main means of communication.

At the beginning of this course, I wasn’t really aware that writing and retrieving information from the internet, or even speaking in the class were methods of media. Those were are mainstay styles of communicating with our professor and with each other. We also had the option of using email for various communications.

Over time we used more forms of media. We watched powerpoint presentations in pretty much every class lecture to aid in the proffesors’ communication of the information we needed.

One of the last projects we put together (individually) to present to the class were PowerPoint presentations of the subjects of our argumentative essays. That was something new to me, but quite enjoyable. I find it an excellent way to augment an oral presentation and as part of the audience, I found them quite entertaining.

This semester has pushed me to learn to use a number of vehicles of communication that I hadn’t considered on my own. I believe I met those challenges. I certainly did enjoy the experience.

My PowerPoint presentation is attached to the rhetorical elements/media menu area if you would like to experience part of the class media work.

Oh! I almost forgot… we learned to develop web pages through CUNY Commons. You’re enjoying that experience right now. 😉